Friday, February 12, 2010

Feb Workout of the Week: Body Weight 20 min Blaster

So I have to confess that I have not been the most consistent blogger lately. I have been super busy with our new Ahwatukee location and our big charity bootcamp March 20th for the Phoenix Youth at Risk. I will definately be telling you more about those later.

For those of you who are looking for great workout that you can do anytime, anywhere with no equipment. Oh, and you want it all done in 20 mins.

This workout is so simple yet really challenging and suitable for whatever level you are at.

Basically we have 4 exercises that need to be completed in 1 minute. You will begin the next sequence each minute on the minute.

Initially you will want to coast through the movements as if you have time to complete the movements. The goal is complete the circuit as fast as possible while maintaining good form in order to earn some quality rest. The faster you work the more you rest.

Beginners 2 reps of each exercise.

Intermediate 4 reps of each exercise

Elite 6 reps of each exercise

You need to complete 20 rounds in 20 minutes.

Here you go.


Push Up c/w twist (push up on hands or knees)

Quad S/L Hip Lift (each leg)

T stabilization

Remember: The faster you work the more you rest.

If you don't finish the round in the minute just start the next round as soon as the next minute begins.

This is how you will work, when the first minute begins start your burpees then immediately move to your push ups and twist. Moving down the exercises until you have completed the set and rest for the remainder of the minute. When that minute is complete begin the next set, repeat until you complete 20 mins.

I know that you are going love this extremely challenging workout.

Monday, February 1, 2010

3 simple rules of Nutrition

I get asked a lot about nutrition and diet, so I thought I would find some really simple information to help you out.

So here are 3 simple rules to follow to help with your nutrition.

"Rule" 1

Eat more...

Fruits and vegetables
Low-fat and low sugar dairy
Whole grains
Lean protein
Salads and broth based soups
Beans and Legumes

"Rule" 2

Eat less...

Cereals and sweetened yogurt
White carbs such as bread, pasta and rice
"Fake foods" like rice cakes
Snacks such as granola bars and wheat crackers
Salty or fried snacks

"Rule" 3

Eat a lot less often...

Sweetened drinks such as soda and iced tea
Bagels, muffins, cakes and cookies
Butter, mayonnaise, and full-fat salad dressing

Hope this is simple enough to follow.


About Me

Arcadia and Paradise Valley, Arizona, United States
Core Fitness Bootcamps, The premier provider of cost effective Group training programs for the communities of Arcadia, Tempe and Paradise Valley.