Monday, October 27, 2008

Stay Fat Phoenix!! ignore breakfast

Hi Everyone

Quite a few of you have been asking why I keep going on a bout eating breakfast all the time.

So instead of replying individually I thought it would be useful to put out this article.

Lets start with this.  You have all heard about Metabolism,  its a great buzzword when it comes to Nutrition and Exercise.  Metabolsim is basically the speed at which our body burns food.  A slow metabolism means that a lot of the food you eat is not getting burned up,  therefore it ends up getting stored as fat.  If we can increase our metabolism through Nutrition and Exercise our bodie will burn fat faster throughout the whole day.  How cool is it to burn fat while sitting on your butt.  

Think about a campfire,  You get it started and it roars into life,  if you keep fuelling it with more wood the fire keeps burning.  However if you stop supplying it with wood it dies down.  Also your body goes into starvation mode.  If it never knows when food is coming it will automatically store fat,  if you don't eat breakfast then your body is going 10-15hrs without food.  Not Good.

So,  How important is Breakfast, well if you want to stay fat and have no energy   then not important,  actually you probably should even keep reading this blog.

However if you want to look and feel great then get eating.  

What to eat??

Stay away from processed cereals and pakaged  meals.  Try some eggs.  They are our superfoods,  loaded with protein and micronutrients they really are the ideal food.  Please ignore all the crap  about the Yolk.  This is the best part.  The cholesterol is actually HDL (the good stuff).

Basically eat small regular meals every 2 -3 hrs.

Good luck.  Dont forget to pass this onto your friends.


Friday, October 24, 2008

I think I just made a big mistake. (Fitness Challenge)

Hey guys

I am in trouble.

I just accepted a challenge from another Bootcamp trainer. Its a fitness challenge to be completed by Thanksgiving.  So here goes

100 pushups
20 pull ups
6 minute mile
100yds Bearwalk

I was typing away and now I am not sure.  But hey nothing like a bit of a challenge to get me motivated.  I am heading to the gym for my initial testing.

If you fancy joining in let me know.  I cna post our progress on the Bootcamp Blog.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Full Body workout in only 4 minutes.

I apologize for not getting a workout on the blog this week. Anyhow better late than never. take this to the gym or do it at home. All you need is a pair of dumbells. the best thing is that it only takes 4 minutes. Thats right 4 minutes. if you really want to kick your butt I challenge you to try 3 sets.

This workout uses Tabata principals.

Beginners 10 secs work, 20secs rest.

Intermediate 15 secs work, 15 secs rest

Advanced 20 secs work, 10 secs rest

Ok here goes, perform all 8 exercises.

Squat c/w overhead press

Push Ups

Bent Over rows

DB swings



Jumping jacks

squats c/w Overhead Press

Repeat 2 or 3 times.

Wow, what a workout in just 12 minutes. No excuses.

Good Luck

Monday, October 13, 2008

Boot camp Photos

Want to know what we do at Bootcamp. Check out these Photo's

Just getting warmed up.

Thanks Eric!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Let the games begin

Oh Yeah Having Fun

The Russian Judge awards a 7.2

Yep, Still having fun

Great Job Everyone.

The Butt Buster Workout

Lets face it, after the elusive six pack what everyone craves is a nice tight butt. Actually we could get both. By targeting the Glutes (and of course the legs) which are the largest muscle in the body we can burn more calories per workout. Therefore removing the fat that covers our abs.

Here is a killer workout for you to take to the gym.

10 min warmup
Dynamic Strectch

Again choose 10 - 15 reps, Perform the exercises as a circuit and repeat each 2 times. Choose a weight that will challenge you, Yet maintain good form.

Circuit 1

Over Head Lunge
Front Squats
Swiss Ball Ham Curls. (Lay on Floor feet on the ball. Curl feet to the butt)

Circuit 2

3 way Lunge (c/w reach to the toes) Forwards, Lateral and Twist
Squat Jumps

Performed properly this will have you feeling sore for a while. Put this cicuit into your favourite routine to shock your bopdy into change.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Get the Abs you are looking for

I often get asked "Lee whats the easiest way for me to get my abs looking great" Well that question in itself can say a lot. Nothing really worth working for is easy, whether it's looking great, losing weight or any of lifes achievements.

However so many people have been working out for months or even years trying to find the elusive six pack. I am sure it's not that they are not trying but more they don't realise what they really need to do. You can spend all day every day doing crunches and situps and never see the abs you dream of.

Its not about working hard, its about working smart.

The fact is most of us have the abs we just need to remove the layer of fat covereing them.

And we know that the real key to burning fat is full body strength training. The more lean muscle you have the more fat you burn during the day. No need to spend hours on the cardio machines in the gym.

Try this quick workout to achieve maximum results. FAST. Adjust according to your fitness level. Do not rest until all exercises have been completed. Don't forget to warm up first.

2-3 sets
12-15 reps.

Front Squats
Side Lunges
Stability Ball Push Ups
Bent Over Rows
Squat c/w Shoulder Press
Ab Plank c/w Alt leg lift.

This workout will elevate your heart rate and work all the major muscles in your body. Thus having a much bigger effect on burning fat and seeing the abs that you really want.

Have a great day


About Me

Arcadia and Paradise Valley, Arizona, United States
Core Fitness Bootcamps, The premier provider of cost effective Group training programs for the communities of Arcadia, Tempe and Paradise Valley.