Monday, October 13, 2008

The Butt Buster Workout

Lets face it, after the elusive six pack what everyone craves is a nice tight butt. Actually we could get both. By targeting the Glutes (and of course the legs) which are the largest muscle in the body we can burn more calories per workout. Therefore removing the fat that covers our abs.

Here is a killer workout for you to take to the gym.

10 min warmup
Dynamic Strectch

Again choose 10 - 15 reps, Perform the exercises as a circuit and repeat each 2 times. Choose a weight that will challenge you, Yet maintain good form.

Circuit 1

Over Head Lunge
Front Squats
Swiss Ball Ham Curls. (Lay on Floor feet on the ball. Curl feet to the butt)

Circuit 2

3 way Lunge (c/w reach to the toes) Forwards, Lateral and Twist
Squat Jumps

Performed properly this will have you feeling sore for a while. Put this cicuit into your favourite routine to shock your bopdy into change.

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Arcadia and Paradise Valley, Arizona, United States
Core Fitness Bootcamps, The premier provider of cost effective Group training programs for the communities of Arcadia, Tempe and Paradise Valley.