Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Full Body workout in only 4 minutes.

I apologize for not getting a workout on the blog this week. Anyhow better late than never. take this to the gym or do it at home. All you need is a pair of dumbells. the best thing is that it only takes 4 minutes. Thats right 4 minutes. if you really want to kick your butt I challenge you to try 3 sets.

This workout uses Tabata principals.

Beginners 10 secs work, 20secs rest.

Intermediate 15 secs work, 15 secs rest

Advanced 20 secs work, 10 secs rest

Ok here goes, perform all 8 exercises.

Squat c/w overhead press

Push Ups

Bent Over rows

DB swings



Jumping jacks

squats c/w Overhead Press

Repeat 2 or 3 times.

Wow, what a workout in just 12 minutes. No excuses.

Good Luck

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Arcadia and Paradise Valley, Arizona, United States
Core Fitness Bootcamps, The premier provider of cost effective Group training programs for the communities of Arcadia, Tempe and Paradise Valley.